Number of Research Papers

3.3 – Research Publications and Awards

Metric No. 3.3.2 Number of research papers Download
3.2.2 Number of research papers per teachers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the year 3.2.2 A Case Study on Dominos Business Survival Strategy During the Covid 19 Pandemic


3.2.2 A Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Online and Offline Learning in Higher Education

3.2.2 A Study On Impact Of Pandemic On Sales Of Personal Hygiene Items

3.2.2 A study on Impact of promotion on working professionals to enroll for Executive MBA Program

3.2.2 A Study on Investors Perceptions towards Stock Market.pdf

3.2.2 A Study On Role Of Advertisement Campaigns On Customer Buying Decision A Case Study On Falcon Fibre Factory Pvt Ltd, Bangalore

3.2.2 A study on the impact of Pandemic on Consumer Purchasing Decisions Towards Food and Grocery items in Bengaluru City

3.2.2 A study to assess the impact of Transformational Leadership on the growth of revenues in start-up companies in Bangalore City

3.2.2 A study to determine the impact of transformational leadership on patents in start-up companies in Bangalore city

3.2.2 A Study to determine the impact of Transformational Leadership on the Growth of Profits in Start-Up Companies in Bangalore City

3.2.2 Alternative Strategies to Avoid Layoff in Airlines Industry During the Covid-19 Pandemic

3.2.2 Assessing_the_awareness_of_nutritional_benefits_of_millets_amongst_women_in_Bangalore

3.2.2 Consumer Awareness and Perseption towards electric Vehicles with Specific Reference to Bengaluru City

3.2.2 Factors Affecting the Revenue of Air Asia Berhad During

3.2.2 Factors Influencing Consumer Behavioral Intention to Use Food Delivery Services A Study of Foodpanda

3.2.2 Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in the Accounting Industry A Case Study of KPMG

3.2.2 How Brand Reputation Influences Customer Satisfaction A Case Study of Starbucks, Malaysia

3.2.2 Impact of Public Relations (PR) in the growth of mobile phone service provider companies in Jordan

3.2.2 Impact of Sales promotion tools used by mobile service provider companies on customer buying behavior in Jordan

3.2.2 Impact of Strategic Management Practices on Employee Performance in Higher Education

3.2.2 Improving Online Customer Satisfaction A Study on Biba

3.2.2 New Norm in Consumer Buying Pattern Online Shopping Swing amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

3.2.2 Performance Evaluation of Public & Private Sector Banks Using CAMEL Approach

3.2.2 Portfolio Constrution & Investment Decision using Harkiloitz Model

3.2.2 Service Quality Dimension and Customers’ Satisfaction An Empirical Study of Tesco Hypermarket in Malaysia

3.2.2 The Influence of Consumer Behavior on Brand Success A Case Study of Panasonic Corporation

3.2.2 Views of Managers on impact of marketing communications tools on growth of mobile service provider companies in Jordan