Workshop on Introducing Project Management

Workshop on Introducing Project Management

The Department of Finance, RVIM conducted a one-day workshop on 16th May 2018, on the topic “Introducing Project Management”. Participants for the workshop included the II Semester students.

Context of the Workshop:
Project management nowadays is regarded as a very high priority in all companies, whether small or large companies. The most projects in real life still fail or end up exceeding the originally agreed upon budget, time or resources? The answer is quite easy: The projectsimply does not exist. Every project and as a consequence every project manager has to deal with different targets, different environments and, last but not least, with different people. Therefore, only theKnow-howandtheDo-howwilltransformaprojectmanagerintoanexcellentprojectmanager. In this regard the workshop on Introducing Project Management is conducting for students.

Session Details:

The details of the session are as follows:

Sessions Topic Resource Persons
Session 1
02.30pm – 03.30pm
Importance of the Project Management Dr. Dev Rajan Daliah
03.30pm – 03.40pm Break
Session 2
03.40pm – 4.40pm
Work out for a fictitious project Dr. Dev Rajan Daliah

Resource Person: Dr. Dev Rajan Daliah, Management Consultant, Mauritius, addressing the students on Responsibility Assignment.

Resource Person:Dr. Dev Rajan Daliah, Management Consultant, Mauritius, addressing the students on Project Gantt Chart.

II semester students participating in the workshop

Dr. Purushottam Bung Prof. & Director, honoring the resource person of the work-shop Dr. Dev Rajan Daliah