Expenditure for purchase of books and journals

4.2.3 – Expenditure for Purchase of Books and Journals

Metric No. Description Download
4.2.3 Expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e- journals during the year (INR in Lakhs) 4.2.3 – Proofs-of-Databases


4.2.3 – Expenditure for purchase of books and journals 2020-2021

4.2.3 – Proofs-of-E-Books

4.2.3 – Proofs-of-E-journals

4.2.3 – Subscription E-Books Details

4.2.3 – Subscrption details of Databases

4.2.3 – Subscrption details of DELNET

4.2.3 – Subscrption details of Ejournals