2.3.1-Student centric methods

Metric  No 2.3: Teaching- Learning Process Download
2.3.1   2.3.1: Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences Student Centric Departmental Activities (2014-18)
2.3.1-General Mgt Department
2.3.1- Finance Department
2.3.1- Human Resources
2.3.1- Marketing Department
2.3.1- Systems Management 
Experiential Learning
2.3.1- Experiential Learning
Industrial Visit
2.3.1-Industrial Visit 2013-18

Overall Development

2.3.1-Indian Cultural and Heritage Programme
2.3.1-Sports Activities from the years 2013-2018
2.3.1-Student Cultural Activities