Workshops, seminars on research

3.2 – Innovation Ecosystem

Metric No. 3.2.2 Workshops, Seminars on Research Download
3.2.2 Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship during the year

3.2.2 Guest lecture on Building a Business Better


3.2.2 Manthan repoprt 2023

3.2.2 IIMB Visit Report

3.2.2 Research Seminar 1 on ‘identifying the research problem’ and ‘writing an introduction’

3.2.2 Poster making competition

3.2.2 Report on Venture Fest 4.0

3.2.2 Report on NCW – Second innings


3.2.2 Report on Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Bibliometric Analysis

3.2.2 Research Seminar 2 on ‘literature review’ and ‘Hands-on On Mendeley’ and ‘Research Methodology’

3.2.2 Research Seminar 3 on ‘Data analysis and interpretation’

3.2.2 SEE colloquium Report

3.2.2 SEE Webinar Report

3.2.2 Webinar on Advanced Deep learning using Tensor flow and Keras

3.2.2 Webinar on Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms

3.2.2 Webinar on Object Detection using Convolutional Neural Network

3.2.2 Report on FDP on Bibliometric Analysis AIMS (1)

3.2.2 Manthan 2022-23

3.3.2 The impact of changes in inflation rate on gold, silver and interest rates

3.3.2 A Study of Patient Waiting Period in Diagnostic CenterAn Application of Service Blueprint at Diagnostic Centers of Bangalore City

3.3.2 A Study on Payments Digitalization to examine the effect of Digital Payment adoption on Financial Inclusion

3.3.2 An In-Depth Study on Bubble Detection in the Indian Stock Market

3.3.2 An Examination of the Impact of New Product

3.3.2 Application of Artificial intelligence in Digital Transformation of Indian Banking Industry

3.3.2 Auto Drivers’ Preferences towards leading Ride Hailing Companies in Bangalore

3.3.2 Effective Adoption of Digital Banking Services- A Study in Karnataka

3.3.2 Forecasting S&P BSE BANKEX and S&P BSE Sensex using ARIMA MODEL

3.3.2 Impact of Green Freight India Program on Sustainability of Freight Sector in India

3.3.2 Impact of Green Freight India Program on sustainability of freight sector in India

3.3.2 Impact of Virtual Work Environment on Employee Well-being

3.3.2 Karnataka Government’s 5 Guarantees Evaluating their Economic Impact and Revenue Generation Potential for the State An Exploratory Study

3.3.2 Merger and acquisition of Amazon and Whole Foods Market.

3.3.2 Testing the Impact of Gold & Crude Oil on Stock Market in India